Examinations Ltd,inc./PMD branch #098
Sandra W. B. Eberhart, Pres/CEO
#8 Cabanne Town Home Drive..
St. Louis Mo. 63112
(314) 445-1751 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (314) 445-1751 end_of_the_skype_highlighting bus.
Hello Grady Richards,
We wanted to offer our assistance if need regarding your recent completed insurance cases. If you have any questions and are in needed of our help for any reason.
Please feel free to call our office @ (314) 445-1751. M-F 09:00am-06:00pm, or visit us at:
www.examinationstld.net. Thank You for choosing Examinations Ltd,Inc.
Customer Care dept.Whoever is the cause for my inconvenience,
Thank you for your offer of assistance, but I assure you it is unnecessary as this email was sent to me in error. I don't know who you think I am, but despite contacting you several times in the past, you continue to mistake me for someone involved in insurance cases. Is my doppelganger an attorney of sorts? I suppose it doesn't matter. As always, the person you intended this beautifully composed email message for is not me. And I cannot accept your oaths of love and honor. Please check your records and rectify this problem. Because as long as I am receiving these important messages in error, someone in St. Louis is likely receiving my invitations to pyramid schemes, girl next door discount web sites, and applications to online police academies. Thank you for your time and if you contact me in this manner again, I will purchase narcotics in an effort to keep the local black market crime syndicate prosperous. You wouldn't want that on your conscience, would you?
Grady Richards, age 25
Elgin, IL
Unemployed Felon
(Not the person you're looking for)
Thank You. I delete you from our contacts.